Nine questions church visitors aren't asking.
Traditional Churches Should Stick With Traditional Worship.
(Commentary: And Contemporary Churches should stick with contemporary worship styles. Both types of churches do have things to learn from one another.)
Autopsy of a Dead Church: 11 Lessons Learned.
Worship and Social Media.
Worship and PowerPoint: One View.
Children Belong in Church, No Matter What.
11 Traits of Churches That Will Impact The Future.
Honoring the Body.
Listening to "Religious Nones".
Never Let the Guy with a Broom Decide How Many Elephants Can Be in the Parade.
If You Love That Flag, Don't Put It In The Sanctuary.
Young Evangelicals are Getting High (note: so are a lot of other Young Christians...)
Why Millenials Are Leaving The Church.
12 Cultural Trends Church Leaders Can't Ignore (But Might).
How to Listen to a Sermon.
Ten Things Your Pastor Needs To Hear.
This is from an Anglican online resource, and needs to be read with a little translation, but the ideas are valid for any congregation who is receiving a new Pastor.
Just for fun...take this Religious Literacy quiz from Pew Forum Research.
Ten Ways To Remain Everyone's "Favorite" Pastor.
Ten Things Christians Should Stop Saying.
Ten More Things Christians Should Stop Saying.
Nine Final Things Christians Should Stop Saying.
Ten Antidotes to the 29 Things Christians Should Stop Saying.
Ten Things Christians Should Say Instead (or More Often).
How Many Hours Must the Pastor Work to Satisfy the Congregation?
Why the Big-Box (Megachurch) Model Works for the Over 35 crowd, (Boomers, Gen-X, Gen-Y) But not for the Under 25 (Millenials).
8 Types of Power Groups In The Church.
These categories also work to define individuals within the church.
8 Reasons Most Churches Don't Break the 200 Attendance Mark
Five Tensions Small Churches Encounter
This article is related to the one immediately above.
Ten Tips for Introducing Your Child To Worship
I'm Done Fixing The Church: Turning the Future Over to God.
Why Nobody Wants To Go To Church Anymore.
Millenials and Church
Unhealthy Churches Should Not Act Like Healthy Churches, Until They Are.
Incentives to Decline: Why Some Churches Really Don't Want to Grow.
We All Need A Good Dose of Insititutional Amnesia.
15 Things Jesus Never Said.
The Three-legged Stool of Welcoming Newcomers
The Flanders Phenomenon
How are Christianity and Evolution Compatible?
A Letter From The Dying Church.
The Church Bully
Why Steve Jobs Never Listened to his Customers.
Welcoming Visitors Without Scaring Them Away.
Top Ten Tips for Welcoming Newcomers.
Please Don't Say These Six Things At My Funeral.
The Tragic Death of the Funeral.